
Daiva Čepauskaitė is a well-known poet and playwright. Her poetic voice is unique: the classic form of poetry infused with (self-)irony, sting, and criticism of modern life perfectly complements her lyricism and gentler humour.  Her texts crawl into the brain, where they are promptly memorized, and they do not become banal even when frequently repeated. In her dramaturgy she remains a bit of a poet, too, as her plays abound in metaphors and transformations. For a long time Daiva has been writing plays for children, and many of them have been produced in various Lithuanian theatres.

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reflections on belonging

a palmers chronicle right bw

Graphic Novels

Poem from the poetry collection "Without Which Probably Not"



translated by Eugenijus Ališanka and Kerry Shawn Keys
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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