
Giedrė Kazlauskaitė

Giedrė Kazlauskaitė born in 1980, studied Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University, where she tried writing a doctoral dissertation.
She won a prize for the best debut in the Poetry Spring Almanac in 2000. Her first book, of prose, was called Sudie, mokykla! (Bye-Bye, School!), and her second book was the collection of poems Heterų dainos (Songs of Hetaeras) published in 2008. She was awarded the Young Yotvingian Prize as the best young poet for this book in 2009. Kazlauskaitė’s third book, written with Father Julius Sasnauskas, presents commentary on the Gospels. Meninos (Las Meninas) was her fourth book. The book was chosen as one of the five best poetry books of 2014 in the Book of the Year campaign. Her fifth book and third book of poetry, called Singertraume, came out in 2016. Since 2010, she has served as the editor of the weekly cultural periodical Šiaurės Atėnai (Athens of the North).

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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels

Poem from the poetry book "Singerstraum"



translated by Rimas Užgiris
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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