
Marielle Vitureau is a journalist and translator. After studying German, she obtained a degree in Lithuanian from Inalco. She is a graduate of the literary translation school set up by the Centre national du livre. Living in Vilnius for many years, she translates novels, texts for museums and scripts. She is the author of two books on Lithuania and the Baltic States. She also works as a correspondent for several French media in the Baltic States (Radio France Internationale, Le Figaro, Courrier International) and lives in Vilnius. 

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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels



interviewed by Saulius Vasiliauskas
filmed by Oskaras Abramavičius
edited by Oskaras Abramavičius and Saulius Vasiliauskas
translated by Markas Aurelijus Piesinas
financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture

Copyright: Vilnius Review
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