
Eugenijus Ališanka is one of the most translated Lithuanian poets: he has had more than ten books published in English, German, Russian, and some rarer languages like Slovenian and Finnish. Ališanka travels extensively, often spending time at various writers’ residences abroad and participating in events and festivals. He is also a prolific translator of poetry from English and Polish and an ambitious intellectual thinker. He is also a good, thoughtful essayist: he mixes cultural references with travel impressions and writes a lot about literature in the contemporary world as well as the author’s image and self-image.

Biography taken from Lithuanian Culture Institute

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reflections on belonging

a palmers chronicle right bw

Graphic Novels

Poem from the poetry book "Only Dotted Lines for the Spine"


translated by Rimas Uzgiris
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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