
Antanas Šimkus (1977) was born in Vilnius, where he finished secondary school and graduated with a degree in Lithuanian studies. Šimkus has published three poetry collections (Skradžiai [1999], Sezonas baigtas [2010], Vakaras dega [2022]), and the children’s poetry book Vaizdai iš gyvenimo bobulytės ir kt. (2012). For his second poetry book, Šimkus received the Young Yotvingian Prize (2010) and the Vilnius City Mayor’s Prize (2012). His poetry has been translated into English, Latvian, Russian, Chinese, and Ukrainian. Šimkus has has also held the position of department editor at the weekly Literatūra ir menas, culture editor at, and chief editor at the journal Metai. Since 2021, Šimkus has also worked as a teacher at a gymnasium in Vilnius.

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Graphic Novels




translated by Rimas Uzgiris
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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