
Laura Kromalcaitė was born in 1995 in Kaunas, and she was raised and went to school in Marijampolė. She first earned a BA in cultural information and communication and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in literary studies at Vilnius University.

Laura Kromalcaitė won the First Book Competition of 2020, organized by the Lithuanian Writers’ Union, and thus published her debut poetry book Mūsų čia niekad nebuvo (We Were Never Here) in the same year. Kromalcaitė’s poetry has also been published in cultural journals Literatūra ir menas, Šiaurės Atėnai, Pašvaistė, and Nemunas.

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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels



translated by Rimas Uzgiris
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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