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Photo by Benediktas Januševičius

Poet, essayist, translator.
Born in 22 February, 1960 in Barnaul (Russia) in deportation. Since 1962 has been living in Vilnius. In 1983 he graduated Vilnius University Department of Mathematics. In 1990 – 2000 worked as a fellowship at Culture and Art Institute; in 1994 – 2002 – a director of international programmes in the Lithuanian Writers Union, a director of an international poetry festival Poetry Spring (Poezijos pavasaris). Since 1994 he has been a board member of the Lithuanian Writers' Union, since 1999 – a member of Lithuania PEN club. In 1998 – 2002 – a board member of the Baltic Writers Board. Since 2003 he has been working as a chief editor of magazine Vilnius, published in the English (The Vilnius Review) and Russian languages. His poems are translated into more than ten foreign languages. He participate in various international festivals, projects and events of literature.
A member of Lithuanian Writers' Union since 1993.


Lygiadienis: poems. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1991.
Peleno miestas: poems. – Vilnius: Regnum, 1995.
Vaizdijantis žmogus: essays. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 1998.
Dievakaulis: poems. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 1999.
Dioniso sugrįžimas: essays. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2001.
Iš neparašytų istorijų. – Vilnius: Vaga, 2002.
Exemplum: poems. – Vilnius: Vaga, 2006.
Jeigu: poems. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2011.
Gatvė tarp dviejų bažnyčių: essay. – Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2012.


Books in other languages:
City of Ash. – Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2000.
Gudaben (in Swedish). – Sätaröd: Ariel Skrifter, 2002.
Божья кость = Dievakaulis (in Russian). – Sankt Peterburg: Symposium, 2002.
(be pavadinimo) [chapbook in English]. – Klaipėda: Vario burnos, 2002.
(be pavadinimo) [selected poems in Bulgarian and Lithuanian]. – Sofiya: Soros Centre for the Arts Foundation, 2002.
Aus ungeschriebenen geschichten = Iš neparašytų istorijų (in German). – Köln: DuMont, 2005.
Iz nenapisanih zgodb (in Slovene). – Ljubljana: Društvo Apokaplipsa, 2008.
Die Rückehr des Dionysos. – Athena, Vokietija, 2008.
Uit het archief van ongeschreven brieven (in Dutch). – Liuvenas: Uitgeverij P, 2010.
Baltische Adria: zwei Essays (together with A. Debeljak). – Ottensheim/Donau: Edition Thanhäuser, 2010.
Exemplum (in German). – Berlin: Zuhrkamp, 2011.
From unwritten histories (in English.). Austin: Host Publications, 2011.


Drew up:
Miestelėnai: Tauros anthology, Vol. 1. – Vilnius: Kultūros draugija Taura, 1991.
Poezijos pavasaris 1993: anthology. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1993.
Miestelėnai: miestas ir postmodernioji kultūra, Vol. 2. – Vilnius: Kultūros draugija Taura, 1995.
Miestelėnai: tyla ir postmodernioji kultūra, Vol. 3. – Vilnius: Gervelė, 1999.
J. Rothenberg. Dibukas: poetry. – Klaipėda: Vario burnos ir Pine Press, 2001.
Neun litauische Dichter = 9 Lietuvos poetai. – Die Horen, 2004, nr. 216.


1992 Zigmas Gėlė-Gaidamavičius award for the best poetry debut of the year.
1995 Iowa International Writing Program, USA, scholarship.
1997 The Baltic Writers and Translators Centre, scholarship .
2000 The Literature Express Europe 2000.
2001 A prize of magazine Varpai for poetry.
2001 A prize of the Ministry of Culture for a book Dioniso sugrįžimas.
2002 A prize of the Lithuanian Writers' Union for the poetry translations.
2003-2004 A scholarship by the Ministry of Culture.
2004 m. Stiftung Kulturfonds scholarship, Kunstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Germany.
2004 m. Stiftung Brandenburger Tor scholarship (Writers tandem), Germany.
2006–2007 m. DAAD scholarship, Germany.
2007–2008 A scholarship by the Ministry of Culture.
2012 The Poetry Spring festival laureate for the book Jeigu.
2012 The book Gatvė tarp dviejų bažnyčių was nominated in the Book of the Year campaign, in prose section; the book was included into the list of twelve most creative books of the year.


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