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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels

Danutė Kalinauskaitė

Prose writer, essayist
She was born 31 October, 1959 in Kaunas.
In 1983 she finished her studies of Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University. From 1983 till 1994 she worked at magazine Moksleivis. Later she collaborated with various publishing houses in Lithuanian, mostly with Baltos lankos. From 2003 she worked as an editor at Publishing Center of Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 2011.


Išėjusi šviesa: short stories. – Vilnius : Vaga, 1987
Niekada nežinai: essays and short stories. – Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2008.
Skersvėjų namai: essays and short stories. – Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2015.


1987 Antanas Jonynas award for the book Išėjusi šviesa.
2006 Antanas Vaičiulaitis award for short story Namo, published in magazine Metai.
2009 Lithuanian Writers’ Union award for the book Niekada nežinai.
2009 Award of of Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. Book Niekada nežinai was selected as the most creative book of the year. your social media marketing partner


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