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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels

Medeinė Tribinevičius is a writer, translator, and curator. As a freelance writer her work has taken her throughout Eastern and Central Europe as well as the Baltics, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. She holds an MA in Creative Writing and an MA in European Studies (Museum Studies), both from the University of Toronto. Born and raised in Canada to Lithuanian parents, she currently resides in Johannesburg, South Africa with her family.

“After completing an MA in Creative Writing I decided I would spend a few months in Lithuania reconnecting with my family there. I ended up staying nearly 4 years. As a poet, I befriended many other poets and writers and started learning about Lithuanian literature. I'd long had an interest in translation as an art form and decided to try my hand translating some of the work of poets I had met. It was a beautiful way of learning about contemporary Lithuanian literature and culture and changed how I saw my own work.”

Tribinevicius has translated works by many contemporary Lithuanian poets and prose writers for publications including the Vilnius Review, Pen International, and anthologies organized by the Lithuanian Culture Institute  (formerly Books From Lithuania). Her major achievements include attending the Banff International Literary Translators Centre in 2010 and Gourmand International Cookbook Award 2016 Best Book of the Year 2015 for translating A Taste of Israel by Nida Degutiene. your social media marketing partner


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