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Graphic Novels

Photo by Dainius Dirgėla

by Virginija Cibarauskė

In other words, the Lithuanian Writers Union prizes, in addition to the symbolic capital and the cash prize and diploma given, barely increase the popularity and notability of the awarded authors. On the other hand, the purpose of these awards is not to increase the popularity of authors, but to establish hierarchies in the literary field. To put it short, they are prizes for writers awarded by writers.

Photo by Dainius Dirgėla

by Neringa Butnoriūtė

Buividavičiūtė, Kulvinskaitė, and Grajauskas, combining confession with dialogue and dialogue with irony in their debut books don’t appear bookish or sentimental in the slightest.

Book cover, Shtetl Love Song


by Stephan Collishaw

‘The last time I visited,’ Kanovich has written, ‘was with my eldest grandson. Together we read the inscriptions on the Jewish gravestones.’ Kanovich’s novels stand alongside those gravestones as a memorial to the Jonava shtetl that no longer exists.

Dainius Dirgėla, from the series Vilnius in the Puddles, 2017


by Jūratė Čerškutė

Where should we test our recall when trying to remember the books published in 2016? Some might browse through library catalogues, but it is much more likely that they will turn to the lists of books from that year: the shortlists of the Book of the Year, five in prose and the same number in poetry, and the twelve most creative books of the year.

Liudas Parulskis, Gates of Dawn/Lazdynai, 2015. Photomanipulation, 30 x 42. From the MO museum collection.


by Virginija Cibarauskė

Another aspect of contemporary literature worth mentioning is the tendency to combine a variety of genres as well as a variety of media. Thus, unique works are produced, whereas the position of books which are easily classified remains unclear.

Egidijus Rudinskas, A- The Garden of Memory, 36 / 50, 200. Etching, 32,5 x 39, 7 cm. From the MO museum collection.


by Aurimas Švedas the historical memory of Lithuanian society, Silva rerum  has introduced the epoch of the Baroque and the period of the autumn of old Lithuania, which did not play any noticeably significant role in collective self-awareness before the appearance of this series.

Leonas Linas Katinas, Seven Days in Rusnė or the Blooming of the Dandelions I, 1971. Cardboard, dandelions, oil, 61 x 81,5 cm. From the MO museum collection.


by Ramūnas Čičelis

To some extent, poetry becomes a meta-language of its own—poetry reflects itself in a non-narcissistic manner. A condition or a state becomes an opportunity for inner liberation. It means that the line of a poem maintains the balance between self-interest and orientation towards social existence.

by Vakarė Smaleckaitė

Despite nostalgia or some kind-hearted jibes about documented events and facts, the strongest places in the narrative of Gertrūda are those pertaining to “shameful” topics that we are inclined to suppress, ignore, or forget.

Ričardas Šileika, The Gift of Surgailis


by Rima Bertašavičiūtė

Two themes are more prominently developed in the collections of essays published in 2015–2016: the search for a place and the search for personal writing, or writing about the self.

Arriving at Ellis Island. George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress), 1907

by Rimas Užgiris

In czarist-controlled Lithuania, surrounded by gluttons and drunks, Frank became a debauchee; in the wild capitalism of the United States, Frank becomes a heartless striver. Where is the real Frank?

Alis Balbierius - Jurgis Kunčinas, Druskininkai, 2000-I

by Elizabeth Novickas

It’s a graceful interweaving of the many presences still wandering Užupis’s streets amidst a doomed love affair, alcohol (lots of alcohol), and poverty.


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